Our focus is purely on Acupuncture and TCM
Our core faculty has been in clinical practice and instructing in this field of medicine for more than 30 years. Several faculty members have Masters and PhD degrees in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.
Our college standards are recognized by provincial, national and international associations, institutions and organizations. We are the only college in Atlantic Canada affiliated with leading colleges in Ontario and British Columbia and with connections to universities and hospitals in China. This makes it possible for our students to graduate with a diploma of acupuncture from CCATCM and continue on to pursue a Diploma of Doctor of TCM and Masters and PhD degrees in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. In addition, our connections to major Chinese hospitals allow our students to enrich their clinical practice through an internship if they so choose.
We are also the only college connected to the S-T/L-C Life-Care Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinics - the Maritimes' oldest and most established acupuncture and natural medicine clinics. Students benefit from the clinics' 30 years of clinical and business experience. The College is also connected to the Advanced Rejuvenation Medi Spa where students can learn about cosmetic acupuncture. Students also have the opportunity to visit other clinics and benefit from other practitioners' experiences and knowledge.
The college strives through its clinics, classes, and courses to reach out to the health-care community and the public with the knowledge that acupuncture and TCM can help everyone achieve their wellness goals, both professionally and personally.